Ministries |
OF EUCHARIST Saturday 5:30PM |
RECONCILIATION "Grace is my gift to you... " Confessions - Lent / Advent Penance Service |
OF THE SICK "Come to me you who are weary... " Please notify the rectory office for a pastoral visit to any family member who is sick, confined at home, hospitalized or in a nursing home. Arrangements for the reception of sacraments of the Eucharist can be made through the rectory office. Ministers of the sick are available to bring communion to shut-ins on a weekly basis. |
MEMBERSHIP "That they may all be one... " We always welcome new members to our parish family. Please contact the parish priest or the rectory office. |
BAPTISM "Unless you are born again..." Arrangements can be made with the parish priest. Parents should be registered in our parish. Baptismal classes are held for parents the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM - only when needed Call the rectory one week in advance. |
OF MATRIMONY "What God has joined..." Engaged couples should phone the rectory to make an appointment with the parish priest to set the date and time for their wedding at least six months in advance. Attendance at a Pre-Cana Conference is also required. |
INSTRUCTION AND RCIA "Go and teach all nations.." Adults interested in the Catholic faith are cordially invited to contact the rectory office for information about Adult Inquiry Classes, the Catechumenate, and preparation for adult reception of the Sacraments of Christian Initiation (RCIA). |